​​​Pastor Darnel Skinner, Jr. Ministries 

"Learn to thank God while you're in it and watch your 
'Thank you' bring you out of it! "

​                                                        Pastor Skinner

Pastor L. Darnel Skinner, Jr. 

Pastor Darnel Skinner is a nativ​e of Columbus, GA and is one of God’s most anointed and gifted ministers and has shown much evidence that he is truly a man after God’s heart.  He possesses a special quality that enables him to bridge the gap between younger and more seasoned listeners, as well as reach effectively across denominational lines.  For those that have witnessed his ministry, there is no doubt that God has placed a relevant Word in his mouth to speak life to a world in need.

Bread of Life Christian Center in Columbus, GA is the wonderful congregation God allows him to pastor, which also happens to be the church he has served in as a faithful member for over 30 years of his life.  During that time he has served in various leadership capacities in the church that include Youth Leader, Local & National Minister of Music, Executive Director of Ministry, Ruling Elder, Assistant to the Pastor and more. This abbreviated track record is a testament to his belief that “good leadership” is a direct result of “good followship.”
In addition to his pastoral duties he is also a servant of the community.  Pastor Skinner currently serves as the Assistant Branch Manager for Columbus Bank & Trust, a member of the Black History Observance Committee and a Volunteer Men’s Chaplin Instructor at the Muscogee County Jail. He has formerly served as a member of Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance; an Adjunct Professor at Columbus Technical College, instructing in courses such as Organizational Behavior, Management Principles Financial and Managerial Accounting in the School of Applied Business. He has also served in the NAACP as the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Vice Presidents, an Executive Committee Board Member and the Chairman of Religious Affairs.

Academically, he holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from Georgia State University with a concentration in Management.  He also holds a Master of Science in Management degree from Troy State University, with a concentration in Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness.  He is also the author of a book entitled “It’s Alright to Text & Drive!”

He is the son of Bishop L. D. Skinner, Sr. and Lady Ruth Skinner.  He is also married to the lovely 1st Lady Arnece Skinner and the proud father of 3 sons: LJ (LaJarious), CJ (Christian Jacob) & MJ (MiCael Joche`) and a god-daughter AJ (Aliasha Jehlyn). 

There are a few mottos Pastor Skinner has incorporated in the constitution of his life.  He believes that “obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”  And that as you are moving towards you goal, “All men fail, but only the great ones get back up.”